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Finally some newer pictures. This is my friend Monica Nissen and myself in the Bugaboos. This was at the height of the forest fires in '03.  The park closed a week later.

If I can somehow acquire a slide scanner, then I will be able to get some better photos on to the page.


Scott took this one of me during the period of time that I first tried Telemarking. The posture isn't looking so good, but heh, I was having fun. That is until the snowboarders that I cropped out of the picture started to heckle me!!!

Gondolas in Venice; Actual size=240 pixels wide

This is just one of many amazing sunsets that I was able to witness living down in Cayman (pronounced K-Mon). Our place was a two minute walk from the beach. Not bad you say???!!!
This is just outside where Scott and I worked. We were working for Red Sail Sports at the Hyatt Regency Hotel.

Legend has it that the moment the sun dissapears behind the horizon, there is a green flash that shoots across the water. Legend also has it that it's easier to see it if you stare through a Heneiken bottle. I think that if you stare at the sun long enough, you are bound to see whatever you want to see.


This is me at school.


Hello Eighties!!! Come on Troy, looking pretty cheesy in this picture. I can't decide if it's the sunglasses, the boots, or the pose that does it for me!


This is a picture of my dad (the wee...but chubby one) being held by my great grandfather Lobley on VE Day, 1945. My dad would have been 1 years young.

A family on vacation; Actual size=180 pixels wide

This is Scott "Stumpy" Kennedy at Haffner Creek in Kootenay National Park.

A family on vacation; Actual size=180 pixels wide

This is Stumpy laying some spring turns on the Ray Glacier.


These are the boys. From the left: Scott Kennedy, Alan Lawlor, and Simon Grace. At the time this photo was taken, I had walked in to find them watching "Ripley's Believe or Not." The segment was about a lady who painted with her breasts! The photo was taken in our place, #4 Dog City.



This is the coffee table that I made in the Fine Woodworking course. It has Hard Maple and Bubinga. The box is Black Walnut with a Beech inlay.


This is Corey "Yoshi" Teramura. This was also taken at Haffner Creek. If you have seen this man...please let me know.