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The Adventure Continues...

The past few years have been pretty good to me. Since graduating from Mount Royal College in Outdoor Pursuits, I have done a fair bit. I spent the end of '99 and the start of '00 living with my friend Tim in Nelson, British Columbia. We were skiing five days a week. We supported ourselves by working on cruise ships in the Caribbean! I believe that we are the first to have ever done that. Nelson is an incredibly beautiful town. I fell in love with it the first time I saw it. The town just has an energy that I have never felt before. Steve Martin's movie, "Roxanne" was filmed there.

From May 1st until the end of October, my friend Scott and I worked in the Cayman Islands for a dive center. While in the Caymans, Scott and I were able to get diving certifications for free. We took full advantage of this as we both came out with our Dive Master Certification. We did a tally of all the diving, rentals, and certs that we got for free, and each of us probably saved close to 10,000$. That doesn't include: Cataraman trips, Wave Runners, Ferry rides, and Parasailing!

For the past few months, I have been in Calgary working at an outdoor gear manufacturer called Integral Designs. I have worked there for the last three falls. I left there on the 20th of December and on the night of the 21st, Tim and I were in San Juan, Puerto Rico. We worked on the cruise ship over Christmas, and then I came home and spent New Years in Fernie with some friends. Tim stayed on the ship for an extra week. When he gets back this weekend, we are moving to Rossland, B.C. along with his girlfriend, Lucy. As of this morning, we officially have a house to live in!!! (That is the cue for everyone to have a big sigh of relief for Gavin. If that house had fallen through, who knows what I would do this winter!!!)

...at the golf course

I am still working on getting the photos scanned to prove that it happenned, but one day you can read all about Scott, Simon, and my adventure of playing on the Brittania Golf Course in Grand Cayman. The story basically involves Simon getting kicked off a Jack Nickalos course, and Scott and Gavin being encouraged never to come back.

A woman mountain biking; Actual size=180 pixels wide

This my friend Troy Minchuk climbing at Barrier Bluff.


This is a picture of Alan and myself at our place at #4 Dog City along Seven Mile Beach. Scott was trying to interview us before going out for the night. It was shot with night vision. Most of the video that we shot is pretty ridiculous to watch.


Yeah, I wish that I had taken this one. It was stolen with absolutly no permision from "Climbing" magazine.