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Gavin's page...


Luscious Powder...yummmmmmmmy. Yeah, I know this photo isn't off the deepest powder ever. But, it is the only photo I could find of me skiing, where I actually looked okay!

Well...it has been about 5 years since I last looked at my webpage. I created LusciousPow, oh probably in the fall of 2000 after I got back from living in the Cayman Islands. It was named such a name because I was moving to Rossland, B.C. for the winter. I was looking forward to the light and deep powder that Red Mountain is known for. Was it good? Hell yeah it was! I went back for another winter two years later.

Here's my page, hope you like it...

I hope to get tons of pictures of friends (and of course myself) doing all the stuff that we like to do. There will be skiing, climbing, diving, biking, travelling, silliness, and chaos.

I have no clue what I am doing. That is not a first in my life. Oh well, this computer thing is an adventure to me. I'll have some fun, and learn a few things at the same time.

Please tell me what you think.

Hopefully I'll be able to update this page quite often. Who knows???!!!


This is Mt. Yamnuska, one of my favourite mountains to look at in the Canadian Rockies. I worked at YMCA Camp Chief Hector for many years. I woke up every morning, stepped out my tipi and looked out towards Yam.

I haven't climbed too many routes on Yam. I climbed "Easy Street" twice back in 1997, once with Anthony Berkers, and once with Scott Kennedy (still in our Haloween costumes from the night before.) Anthony and I climbed "Forbidden Corner" in the spring of 2002.


Here I am crossing the bergshrund between Snowpatch Spire and Bugaboo Spire in The Bugaboos, summer 2003.


I took this one a long time ago. It was taken during the spring of '96. I would have been just finishing up grade 12. It was taken at Barrier Lake in the Kananaskis.

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Please click here to let me know how many people have checked out my page. My goal is going to be 7 people by the end of 2000. Make my day and hi to me.

Now that I have already had seven people (including the mysterious Shann) sign my page, why don't we try for 14!!!

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